Simple Way To Care And Grow Garlic Plant at home

Garlic is one of the most friendly crops you can grow in your garden. You can see three types of garlic: hard-neck, soft-neck, and elephant garlic. In this Blog you will Learn How to plant and grow Garlic in a container at your home.

Where to plant?
Garlic is not the right candidate for growing in containers. If you want grow Garlic in a container, choose a container that is at least 15 inches wide and deep. Garlic should be planted in a spot not recently used for garlic or other plants from the onion family.

When to Water?
All it requires is watering regularly and sunlight exposure. Remember over watering can kill this and the soil has to be well drained before watering

When to feed Fertilizer?
For Garlic has moderate fertilization needs. Apply bio organic compost once a month for better growth

How to Grow Garlic?
Planting garlic is relatively simple. Select large, healthy cloves, free of disease. The larger the clove, the bigger and healthier the bulb, You have to separate cloves from  the Garlic bulb, you can see the separated clove. You have to ensure that the cloves should be planted with the pointed end up and the blunt end down in the seedling tray. Push each clove  into the seedling tray or a container, firm the soil around it, and gently spray the water to the seedling tray. 

After 10 to 15 days, you can see Garlic plants started growing add the water regularly. I have very less space of gardening area. So, I have tested with seedling tray to start with. select a small gardening area in your garden that receives 6 to 8 hours of sunlight per day and grow directly.. Prepared soil by removing weeds and prepared a soil mixture with a bio organic compost. 

You can see we have gently started digging out the garlic plant to show  the development of the roots and transform to gardening are.. you can see the well developed roots from the garlic plant.

You can repot all the well-developed Garlic plant in a new container for better growth

Harvesting and Storage
You will know when to harvest garlic when most of the leaves have turned brown. Lift garlic bulbs with a garden fork. Allow bulbs to dry in an airy place for 3 to 4 weeks after harvest until the outer skins turn papery.

Health Benefits: 
Garlic helps to boost the immune system, reduce high blood pressure, and has antibiotic and antifungal properties. So it is a good idea to include garlic in your diet.

From Below video you will Learn How to plant and grow Garlic in a container at your home

I hope you like this Blog and  Video. Happy Planting. Thanks for watching



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