Jade Plan To Grow And Care


Jade Plant is a succulent plant, with a small, thick and glossy leaves having red stems. It stores water in its trunk and leaves so it can survive without regular watering as it is Succulent.  In this video, you will learn how to care, grow  and propagate Jade Succulent plant as on indoor and outdoor plant.

Where to keep Jade plant?

You have to keep jade plant  at least five to six hours of indirect sunlight and it can tolerate partial shade. Place it in a window facing south, east, or west, and make sure to protect it from direct sunlight

jade plant is  very low watering needs, If you wish to boost the life span of the Jade plant, make sure not to overwater it. There is an easy way to check if it needs water,

Put your finger into the top inch of soil. If it feels dry, it’s time to water moderately.

How to care Dwarf Jade Plant 

Dwarf jade is a low-maintenance houseplant. But, if you spend some time pruning the plant you can turn your dwarf jade into a bonsai tree.

Soil Mixture

To grow Jade plant soil mixture is very important, you have to use Gardening soil of 50%, River sand 25% and Organic compost. Mix all these soil And having Effective Drainage is important for Jade plant.


Pruning the Jade plant is very import to revive the plant. Do not water the plant before pruning because its trunk, stems, and leaves will be filled with moisture. Wait until the soil is dry. To encourage a bushy growth, you can use scissor or pinch out the terminal buds with your fingers. prune out any dead or dying stems, and any shoots emerging from the trunk, or prune the plant to the desired shape.


One of the  major issue you will face is Jade leaves are falling or plant is dying. Jade leaves could fall prematurely from being too wet or too dry, for lack of nitrogen in the soil or for need of more sunlight. 

jade has moderate fertilization needs. apply Used coffee grounds  mixed with water and keep for a day and spray about once a month. Spray it to the leaves during the early morning for z  plants so that plan will be healthy.

Effective Drainage
An excellent soil drainage is crucial to grow jade plant. Take a pot make a small hole

and fill with a small stone for the effective drainage. Fill the pot with the soil mixture of garden soil, river sand and organic compost.

Propagating Dwarf Jade
It’s easy to propagate jade from cuttings during the growing season in spring and summer. Take a cutting of three to six inches from mother plant and remove all the leaves from the bottom and keep the top most leaves  and   Let stem cutting dry out for one or two days before planting.
Fill the pot with soil mixture and spay water to keep the solil mixture before planting. Make a small holes and  push the bottom part of the stem cutting into the soil. Lightly. spray water to keep moisture after planting.

After 30 days you can see small Jade cuttings started growing with fresh leaves.
spray the water before digging out of the stem cuttings from the soil. You can see we have gently started digging out the stem cutting to see the development of the roots.. you can see the well developed roots from all the stems.

You can repot all the well developed Jade plants in a new pot to grow an individual Jade plants.

Happy Planting. Thanks for Reading. 


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