SadaBahar Plant| Easy to grow, propagate and caring the plant

Sadabahar is an evergreen shrub that is commonly grown worldwide both as an ornamental plant and for medicinal purposes. The smooth, glossy and dark green coloured leaves along with flowers are said to act as natural medicine for type-2 diabetes.2

Sadabahar also known as Madagascar,
vinca rosea, Periwinkle, “Sada Pushpa” belongs to the Apocynaceae family

How to Grow and propagate :
Growing Sada bahar Plant in your garden is very simple and It can be grown by seeds and stem cuttings from the mother plant.
You can collect the seeds from the dried flowers from the mother plant or from a nursery or online. you can see the small, oval shape seeds of Sada bahar. This germinate easily in warm, moist soil

Effective Drainage:
if you have to grow in a container an excellent soil drainage is crucial to grow Sada bahar Plant. You can take a pot make a small hole and fill with a small stone for the effective drainage.

Potting Soil :
To prepare potting soil, you have to Fill the pot with the soil mixture of 50% of garden soil, river sand 20% and 30% of organic compost and mix properly. Spray the water to maintain soil moisture.

Growing From Seed:

Make a small whole, push the seeds in to the soil. You can plant multiple seedlings in one pot Make sure to leave plenty of space between the seedlings. After sowing of the seeds fill the top layer with the soils to allow seeds to grow.  so you’ll be able to dig them up and transfer them later.

Growing From Stem cutting:

It’s easy to propagate Sadabahar from stem cuttings. Take stem cuttings of three to six inches from mother plant and remove the leaves from the bottom.  Insert this stem in the soil a few inches deeper, with leaves above the soil surface. Mist it lightly and keep in the full sun.

Transplantation :
When your seedling reaches 4 to 5 leaved stages you can transplant into bigger pot.

What is the Best Time to Grow :
The best time you to grow Sada bahar plant from seeds is March-April.

Flower Blooming Time :

Sada bahar Plant  prefer bright direct sunlight, it requires at least 6 to 8 hours direct sunlight. The plants can also grow in partial shade but the rate of blooming might reduce

When to Water?
All it requires is watering regularly and sunlight exposure. Remember over watering can kill this and the soil has to be well drained before watering.

When to feed Fertilizer:
Sada bahar plant is not a heavy feeder, so you can add organic compost little bit two month once.

Pruning :  
Pruning is the very important part to grow, keep checking for dead and injured branches and remove it from time to time increase the growth of the plant.

Pests and other problems :
Pests like aphids and mites can attack this plant. Monthly once or twice Spray neem oil or any mild soap solution to remove pests and remove the infected leavers while pruning.

Health Benefits: 
sadabahar flowers and leaves are used to control blood sugar levels. One can have 
herbal tea made from flowers and leaves in the morning or you can also chew some three to four leaves to get effective results.

I hope you like this Blog. Happy Planting. Thanks for Reading. 


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