
Simple Way To Care And Grow Baby Rubber Plant at home

  Baby Rubber plant is characterized by its thick upright stems with glossy, oversized leaves. It stores water in its thick leaves. Leaves are typically dark green, but can also have  white or yellow leaves . Other Names: Baby Rubber plant is   also known as the peperomia In this video you will learn How to care and propagate Baby Rubber Plant at your home Where to Keep your plant You have to keep your plant in Full sun to partial shade and it is favorable for Baby Rubber (Baby Rubber) plant. For indoors, this plant will be benefited from west to south-facing windows. When to Water Baby Rubber (Baby Rubber)? Baby Rubber plants thrive in the heat and are very drought-tolerant once established. If you wish to boost the life span of the Baby Rubber plant, make sure not to overwater it. In fact, let the soil dry before watering it again. Moreover, water the plant less frequently in the rainy season. When to feed Fertilizer For Baby Rubber (Baby Rubber) has moderate fertili

Malabar Spinach: Benefits and How to Grow, care and Eat It

Malabar Spinach is scientifically known as Basella alba and belongs to the Basellaceae family. It is available in – Green and Red varieties. so it needs some support to grow. The leaves are larger and fleshy compared to regular spinach. Malabar spinach is known by common names including Basella alba, vine spinach and Ceylon spinach The stem of the Basella alba is green and the stem of the cultivar Basella is reddish-purple; the leaves of both the species are green. How to Grow and propagate : Growing Malabar Spinach Plant in your garden is very simple and It can be grown by seeds and stem cuttings from the mother plant. To grow this plant at your home garden  take the stem cuttings  from the mother plant, or from vegetable shop. Effective Drainage: if you have to grow in a container an excellent soil drainage is crucial to grow Malabar spinach Plant. You can take a pot make a small hole and you have to create a drainage layer by adding a medium such as pebbles or stones to the botto

How to Grow and Care Cosmos Flower Plants from seeds

  Cosmos plant produce 3 to 4 inch daisy like flowers in various colors, including orange, pink, red, yellow, white color. Their flowerheads may be bowl or open cup like shape. How to Grow and propagate : Growing Cosmos Plant in your garden is very simple and It can be grown by seeds from the mother plant. These beautiful plants can reach 6 feet tall and Cosmos grow in both beds and containers. they attract birds, bee, butterflies and insects to garden Effective Drainage: if you have to grow in a container an excellent soil drainage is crucial to grow Cosmos Plant. You can take a pot make a small hole and you have to create a drainage layer by adding a medium such as pebbles or stones to the bottom of a pot before adding soil. So that Soil particles are very small and tightly packed together so that water moves through them quite slowly. Potting Soil : Preparing potting soil for a seed  or stem cuttings is a very easy and straight forward process. to prepare potting soil, yo

SadaBahar Plant| Easy to grow, propagate and caring the plant

Sadabahar is an evergreen shrub that is commonly grown worldwide both as an ornamental plant and for medicinal purposes. The smooth, glossy and dark green coloured leaves along with flowers are said to act as natural medicine for type-2 diabetes.2 Sadabahar also known as Madagascar, vinca rosea, Periwinkle, “Sada Pushpa” belongs to the Apocynaceae family .  How to Grow and propagate : Growing Sada bahar Plant in your garden is very simple and It can be grown by seeds and stem cuttings from the mother plant. You can collect the seeds from the dried flowers from the mother plant or from a nursery or online. you can see the small, oval shape seeds of Sada bahar. This germinate easily in warm, moist soil Effective Drainage: if you have to grow in a container an excellent soil drainage is crucial to grow Sada bahar Plant. You can take a pot make a small hole and fill with a small stone for the effective drainage. Potting Soil : To prepare potting soil, you have to Fill the pot

Parijata | Easy to grow, propagate and caring the plant

  Paijat plant is a very famous plant of south east Asia . You can see This plant produces beautiful flowers in cluster .that have white colored six to eight  corolla with an orange red at the center of the flower. How to Grow and propagate : Growing Parijata Plant in your garden is very simple and It can be grown by seeds and stem cuttings from the mother plant. You can collect the seeds from the dried flowers from the mother plant or from a nursery or online. you can see the small, oval shape seeds of Parijata. This germinate easily in warm, moist soil Effective Drainage: I f you have to grow in a container an excellent soil drainage is crucial to grow Parijata Plant. You can take a pot make a small hole and fill with a small stone for the effective drainage. Potting Soil : T o prepare potting soil, you have to Fill the pot with the soil mixture of 50% of garden soil, river sand 20% and 30% of organic compost and mix properly. Spray the water to maintain soil moisture . Grow

Jade Plan To Grow And Care

  Jade Plant is a  succulent  plant, with a small, thick and glossy leaves having red stems. It stores water in its trunk and leaves so it can survive without regular watering as it is Succulent.  In this video, you will learn how to care, grow  and propagate Jade Succulent plant as on indoor and outdoor plant. Where to keep Jade plant? You have to keep jade plant   at least five to six hours of indirect sunlight and it can tolerate partial shade. Place it in a  window  facing south, east, or west, and make sure to protect it from direct sunlight Water jade plant is   very low watering needs, If you wish to boost the life span of the Jade plant, make sure not to overwater it. There is an easy way to check if it needs water, Put your finger into the top inch of soil. If it feels dry, it’s time to water moderately. How to care Dwarf Jade Plant  Dwarf jade is a low-maintenance houseplant. But, if you spend some time pruning the plant you can turn your dwarf jade into a  bon

Easy way to Grow Ajwain Plant

  Ajwain plants are small perennial plants and these plants are used as medicinal herbs and sometimes even as ornamental plants'.  In this video you will Learn How to care and Grow Ajwain Plant at your home How to Grow Ajwain  Growing of Ajwain plant is very easy and It can be grown by seeds and cuttings from the original plant. Where to Keep your plant Full sun to partial shade is favorable for Ajwain plant. For indoors, this plant will be benefited from west to south-facing windows.. When to Water Ajwain? All it requires is watering regularly and sunlight exposure. Remember over watering can kill this and the soil has to be well drained before watering When to feed Fertilizer For Ajwain has moderate fertilization needs. apply oraganic bio compost once a month for better growth   How to Trim Ajwain? Once your Ajwain plant starts to grow fast, make sure that you have a habit of cutting them regularly. They spread fast, So it is recommended to always grow them in